Beginning 04/23/15 at 9:30pm PST STORY CONNECTION host Dänna Wilberg welcomes volunteer
Coordinator and Curator for the Sacramento reading series “Stories on
Stage,” Sue Staats. Sue's fiction and poetry have been published, or is
forthcoming, in The Los Angeles Review, Graze Magazine, Farallon
Review, r.kv.r.y, Alimentum, a Journal of Food, and
others. She earned an MFA from Pacific University, and was a recent
finalist for the Gulf Coast Prize in Fiction and the Nisqually Prize in
Fiction. Her stories have been performed at the Sacramento reading series
“Stories on Stage,” at the SF Bay-area reading series “Why There Are
Words,” and in December one will be performed at Stories on Stage Davis.
Stories on Stage
was founded in 2009 by the fiction writer Valerie Fioravanti, in order to
provide a venue for fiction writers—particularly short-story writers—to
showcase their work. She modeled the event after the NPR radio show,
“Selected Shorts,” in which actors read short stories. She selected the final
Friday of each month as the regular date for the event. The Sacramento Poetry
Center at 25th and R Streets provided the location. From the
very beginning Stories on Stage has had two firm commitments: the first is to
pay its writers and actors, and the second is to showcase both “established”
writers (those with at least one book from a national publisher with a strong
backlist and reputation) and “emerging” writers (there is no requirement or
limitation beyond the strength of the work) Each event has a reading by actors of
a short story or novel excerpt from an “established” writer, and a reading of a
short story/novel excerpt from an “emerging” writer. There’s no admission fee: a $5 donation is suggested. Stories on Stage has developed an excellent relationship with the Sacramento Poetry Center and has been the grateful beneficiary of several grants from them, which has helped to increase the honorarium paid to the actors and writers.
Stories on Stage quickly became “the” event for lovers of literary fiction: it has been named Best in Sacramento by Sacramento Magazine and a “Reader’s Favorite” five years in a row by the Sacramento News & Review.
Repeats: 4/24 at 1:30pm PST and 4/25 at 5:30am PST
ATT - Channel 99
UVerse- Gov. channel
Comcast 17 (Sacramento County)
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